Student Pick Up and Drop Off Instructions
Students may not be dropped off at school before 8:15 a.m. as we do not have staff to provide supervision prior to this time. All students should arrive by 8:30 a.m. Any student coming in after this time will need to report to the office and be signed in by a parent.
If you are picking your student up before 3:00, please report to the main office to sign out your student. If you regularly pick up your student after 3:00, please ask for a car rider pass from the main office. Pull into the car rider line with your pass in the car window between 3:00 and 3:30. If it is not a regular pick-up after 3:00, please wait in the car rider line with your ID ready. Please let the school know ahead of time that your child will be a car rider for that day so we can be sure your student is in the car rider waiting area. Students should be picked up no later than 3:30 p.m. as we do not have staff to supervise beyond this time.
Half Day Instructions
Arrival times remain the same on half days. Breakfast is still provided for those who wish to eat.
Students being picked up from school on half days will report to the cafeteria at 11:50, once dismissed from class. Parents still need to sign their child out by the main office at the Afternoon Car Pick Up Table. Students should be picked up no later than 12:10 p.m. as we do not have staff to supervise beyond this time.
Lunch is provided on half days.